Jabulani Afrika


One in every six adults is living with HIV.

Life expectancy at birth has fallen below 40 years.

According to UNAIDS statistics, every 35 seconds, a child becomes an orphan because of AIDS.

Over 1.2 million orphans are living in Zambia....

Take a minute to read their stories and see how you can make a difference.

--Click Here for More Info--

Monday, March 31, 2008

Violet Maulanga - Unsponsored

Violet (15)- Violet has the most amazing heart! Her desire to learn, be loved, and love others is completely astounding. It is always a blessing to spend time with her and get to know her.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tawanda Nyandolo (Unsponsored)

Tawanda (14)-
Tawanda is a witty guy who always smiles and loves making others laugh. His positive personality always lifts up others.

Rachel Ncube (Unsponsored)

Rachel (15) -Rachel is a natural born leader. She is very intelligent and always helps those around her when they do not understand.

Susan Lungu (Unsponsored)

Susan (14) -Susan is a shy, but confident young girl who always smiles and has the sweetest laugh. She always works hard to understand and learn everything she can.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bridget (Unsponsored)

Bridget (14) - Bridget has an out-going personality and is definitely a leader! She loves to sing and dance for Jesus and her excitement is contagious.

Wisdom (Unsponsored)

Wisdom (14) - Wisdom’s name is an apt description of his character! Wisdom became a Christian in the summer of 2007 and he has an increasingly deep hunger for the word of God. He often asks questions about these things and applies the answers to his life.

Chris (Unsponsored)

Chris (14) - Chris is one funny character! This young man is full of life and has a wonderful ability to make people smile. His gentleness and sensitivity make him a wonderful listener and willing learner. Chris became a Christian at Camp Hope in summer 2007.

Makena (Unsponsored)

Makena (13) - Makena is a beautiful young lady with a friendly personality and a willingness to learn. She makes friends quickly and her love for people is easily seen in her interaction with people of all ages. Makena became a Christian at Camp Hope in the summer of 2007.

Kasoma (Unsponsored)

Kasoma (15) - Kasoma is a quieter boy who thinks before he speaks. His peers all look up to him and often go to him for advice. As he continues to learn himself he becomes more and more of a teacher and a leader. Kasoma became a Christian at Camp Hope in the summer of 2007.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lewis Sponsored by Beth

Lewis (10) - Lewis is a very quiet and often withdrawn young boy. He seems fearful at times and is wary when people approach him. But when he begins to trust people his hunger for love becomes evident and he soaks up words of encouragement and positive attention.

Beth -
I have chosen Lewis to sponsor through Every Orphans Hope! I am excited because I really want to become friends with him by writing letters and letting him know how much I care. I chose Lewis because he just seemed different. I thought, that boy needs a friend, a support, someone who is going to pray for him night and day. I am so happy that I can do that; that I have the ability to share my love of Christ to this boy. I have the ability to give a relatively small amount of money to change this boy's life. I chose Lewis because when I looked at him I saw how much he needed God's love and encouragement. I'm only 16 so at first I didn't think I could sponsor a child, but I believe Jesus moved in my heart to sponsor a child, and Lewis is that one! Pray for Lewis and all the other wonderful children who also need a sponsor and the love of Christ. GOD BLESS JABULANI AFRIKA AND ALL THE CHILDREN IN ZAMBIA!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Potipher (Unsponsored)

Potipher (13) - Potipher is a young man who truly wants to learn. He is a reserved boy, but not when it comes to competitions! He always plays the hardest to gain the prize and that character can be seen in all areas of his life.

Sarah - Sponsored

Sarah (15) - Sarah is a growing young woman who was introduced to the true love of Christ this summer. Before she came to the camp run by “Every Orphan’s Hope,” she knew of nothing but a broken home and hopeless future. But now she is walking with a new confidence in this life of love.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Danny (Unsponsored)

Danny (6)SPONSOR NOW!!

Abraham (Unsponsored)

Abraham (14) - Abraham is a quiet boy, but easy to fall in love with! Although he’s not the most talkative boy he always listens to what you say and he is more than eager to receive love!

Salomi (Unsponsored)

Salomi (10) - She is now child of God after going to camp hope this summer, but she still need your help. She has a deep hunger for the word of God and wants to learn more about her father each day.

Vailet (Sponsored by Grace Fellowship Church)

Vailet (9) - Vailet is a friendly young girl with a sweet nature who loves to play with other girls her age.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Augustine Sponsored by Fillmore Foursquare Church

“I stay with my sister and her husband who is not a good man. My brother-in-law comes home each night and I watch as he begins to beat my sister. Then when he is done he leaves her on the ground and comes to beat me too.” - Augustine

Augustine (on right) and friend Dick

Rama (Sponsored)

Their laughter filled the air as the children danced excitedly, thrilled to teach us one of their own Zambian games! But as I jumped about with my group I realized that Rama, one of the quieter little girls was sitting off to the side. I walked over to her, knelt down, and reached my hand out to invite her to join in the game. As I held my hand out to her she began to cry. Our translator quickly ran over to find out why she was so upset. Rama shrunk away but began to speak slowly choking back sobs. She explained that she was afraid that I was going to beat her if she came with me. At her "home" each time some one called her or reached towards her it was only ever begin yelling at her or hitting her.
We took things slowly with Rama and expressed an extra gentleness each time she was near us. By the end of the camp Rama had learned what it meant when someone said, "I love you," and really meant it. She had changed so much as she experienced the love of Christ! Her tears had turned to laughter and her fears had turned to joy.

Daliso (Sponsored)

“I live with my grandfather and my grandfather’s wife. What I do not like about my family is what my grandfather does. Not every night, but many nights my grandfather will call me into his room and begin to touch me everywhere.”

- Daliso (Sponsored)