Jabulani Afrika


One in every six adults is living with HIV.

Life expectancy at birth has fallen below 40 years.

According to UNAIDS statistics, every 35 seconds, a child becomes an orphan because of AIDS.

Over 1.2 million orphans are living in Zambia....

Take a minute to read their stories and see how you can make a difference.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Lewis Sponsored by Beth

Lewis (10) - Lewis is a very quiet and often withdrawn young boy. He seems fearful at times and is wary when people approach him. But when he begins to trust people his hunger for love becomes evident and he soaks up words of encouragement and positive attention.

Beth -
I have chosen Lewis to sponsor through Every Orphans Hope! I am excited because I really want to become friends with him by writing letters and letting him know how much I care. I chose Lewis because he just seemed different. I thought, that boy needs a friend, a support, someone who is going to pray for him night and day. I am so happy that I can do that; that I have the ability to share my love of Christ to this boy. I have the ability to give a relatively small amount of money to change this boy's life. I chose Lewis because when I looked at him I saw how much he needed God's love and encouragement. I'm only 16 so at first I didn't think I could sponsor a child, but I believe Jesus moved in my heart to sponsor a child, and Lewis is that one! Pray for Lewis and all the other wonderful children who also need a sponsor and the love of Christ. GOD BLESS JABULANI AFRIKA AND ALL THE CHILDREN IN ZAMBIA!