Jabulani Afrika


One in every six adults is living with HIV.

Life expectancy at birth has fallen below 40 years.

According to UNAIDS statistics, every 35 seconds, a child becomes an orphan because of AIDS.

Over 1.2 million orphans are living in Zambia....

Take a minute to read their stories and see how you can make a difference.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rama (Sponsored)

Their laughter filled the air as the children danced excitedly, thrilled to teach us one of their own Zambian games! But as I jumped about with my group I realized that Rama, one of the quieter little girls was sitting off to the side. I walked over to her, knelt down, and reached my hand out to invite her to join in the game. As I held my hand out to her she began to cry. Our translator quickly ran over to find out why she was so upset. Rama shrunk away but began to speak slowly choking back sobs. She explained that she was afraid that I was going to beat her if she came with me. At her "home" each time some one called her or reached towards her it was only ever begin yelling at her or hitting her.
We took things slowly with Rama and expressed an extra gentleness each time she was near us. By the end of the camp Rama had learned what it meant when someone said, "I love you," and really meant it. She had changed so much as she experienced the love of Christ! Her tears had turned to laughter and her fears had turned to joy.